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Prazska NHL 2024/25 #5
Date 16.01.2025
Series Prazska NHL
City Prague
Web -
Participants 16
Level 5
Value 3184

Final table
Pos. 5 Rank Change Player Club Nation Rank points
1.98.-Jakub SladekGladiators PlzenCzech Republic482
2.5.-Patrik PetrTHC Stiga ElitesCzech Republic427
3.101.-Krystof HeroldHCS Zabka PrahaCzech Republic415
4.130.-Jan DryakBig BandCzech Republic396
5.54.-Krystof LeblBig BandCzech Republic384
6.88.-Pavel PlesakGladiators PlzenCzech Republic371
7.152.-Tomas BucekStiga HC BenatkyCzech Republic359
8.70.-Miroslav CernochHCS Zabka PrahaCzech Republic350
9.126.-Martin ZenisekGladiators PlzenCzech Republic310
10.106.-Petr FuchsBig BandCzech Republic272
11.179.-Michal TousGladiators PlzenCzech Republic232
12.734.+42Daniel Jerabek-Sweden188
13.603.-Radek HrncirBig BandCzech Republic144
14.764.-Daniel KadlecBig BandCzech Republic94
15.755.-Krystof Novotny-Czech Republic46
16.2142.+3Vladimir Marecek-Czech Republic1
ranking valid before the tournament and rank change caused by this tournament are stated
Colours explanation
junior veteran lady lady junior lady veteran